Get certified in Everything DiSC Workplace®
Everything DiSC Workplace® Certification is designed to increase confidence and expertise in delivering the Everything DiSC Workplace program.
The course uses a blended-learning approach spanning three weeks involving:
- Self-directed online learning: Modularized, engaging activities that allow you to absorb knowledge at your own pace; online activities must be completed before their corresponding live virtual classroom session.
- Live virtual‐classroom sessions: Three 90-minute instructor-led online sessions involving small and large group activities.
- Project Team Plan: Ongoing assignment that promotes application of the learning to a real or potential workshop, followed by a group presentation in the third live session.

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Whether you’d like to discuss the latest research in learning and development, discover how we can help you to measure, improve and track the performance of your people, start a conversation about what coaching could do for you or just find out what is making us curious today, get in touch.